What isAmblyopia (Lazy Eye) and its causes?


It is a unilateral or rarely bilateral decrease in best-corrected visual acuity for which no identifiable organic causes exist in the eye or visual field.


  1. Visual acuity is reduced to two or more than two lines of the Snellen test chart.
  2. The pin-hole test shows no improvement in vision.
  3. Crowding phenomena are present i.e. vision is better when tested by single words than by multiple letters in the chart.
  1.  Removal of obstruction to the vision e.g. removal of a cataract, and correction of ptosis.
  2. Correction of refractive error for clear image formation.
  3. Improvement of vision in the amblyopic eye by using the eye with poor vision and limiting the use of a better eye.
  • Occlusion of the normal eye to encourage the use of an amblyopic eye is the most effective treatment.
  • Anisometropic amblyopia;
Occurs due to unequal refractive error of the eye. the blurred image formation occurs in the eye having high refractive error than fellow eye difference as little as 1 diopter.
  • Isometric amblyopia; (bilateral amblyopia) 
there is blurred image formation due to high refractive error in both eyes. Hypermetropia of more than 5 diopters is a significant risk factor.
  • Astigmatism.| meridional amblyopia
Occurs due to blurred image formation when uncorrected astigmatism is more than 1 diopter.


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