Understanding the Blepharitis, causes, symptoms and treatment.

Blepharitis is an encountered eye condition characterized by inflammation of the eyelids. Some factors can contribute to its development. The specific reasons, behind blepharitis can differ among the individuals. There are commonly observed causes and factors that contribute to it.

It is a subacute or chronic inflammation of the eyelid margins.

Type of  Blepharitis

  1. Anterior Blepharitis
  2. Posterior Blepharitis 
1. Anterior Blepharitis

It affects the area surrounding the basis of eyelashes, which may be:

  • Infective blepharitis/ Ulcerative/ staphylococcal blepharitis.
  • Non-infective blepharitis/ squamous blepharitis/ seborhoeic blepharitis.

2. Posterior Blepharitis

  • Meibomianitis

  Causes of Blepharitis

  • Staphylococcus aureus
  •  Staphylococcus epidermis and its stains
Symptoms of Blepharitis

There is chronic irritation, itching, lacrimation, gluing of eyelashes, and photophobia.

Signs of blepharitis

  • Eyelid margins are red, oedematous, and inflamed.
  • crust tends to be centered around the bases of lashes.
  • Yellow pus of suppurative lesions dries up and forms crusts.
  • when crusts are removed they may leave behind a tiny bleeding ulcer.
Treatment of Blepharitis

  • Eyelid hygiene
  • antibiotic ointments
  • Topical steroids
  • Artificial tear
