What is Pinguecula?



     It is a yellowish mass on the bulbar conjunctiva near the limbus.

What are the causes of Pinguecula?

  1. It is a degenerative condition.
  2. The probable causes are;
  • Drying of the interpalpebral tear film in the people living in the hot climate.
  • Damage by ultraviolet light. Ultraviolet light causes damage to the subepithelial tissues of the conjunctiva.

Treatment of Pinguecula

  • No medical treatment is effective.
  • Surgical excision for cosmetic reasons.
  • Usually, treatment is not required
Eye drops for Pinguecula

You can treat irritation dryness and redness caused by pinguecula simply by using eye drops like "TEARPLUS AND CRESTANE" eye drops four times a day.


