A chalazion is a chronic sterile inflammatory lymphogranuloma of the meibomian gland.

What are the risk factors of Chalazion?
- Blepharitis
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Seborrhoea
- It is more common in the upper eyelid because the number of meibomian glands is on the upper lid.
- It is characterized by painless gradually increasing swelling in the lid without external signs of acute inflammation.
- Eversion of the lid shows that conjunctiva is red over the nodule and maybe a flashy mass.
- Blurred vision may occur due to astigmatism caused by a large chalazion of the upper lid comprising the cornea.
It is caused by the obstruction of the orifice of the meibomian gland either by infection or due to unknown causes, which results in the accumulation of the sebaceous secretion within the acini gland.
Treatment of chalazion?
The small soft recent chalazion may undergo self-resolution and disappear spontaneously but it can be helped by conservative treatment in the form of:
- Expression compression may be effective in expressing the contents of a fresh lesion.
- Warm compress application several times a day.
- Topical steroids antibiotics combination drops.
- Topical anti-inflammatory drops.
- Surgery is the most common method of treatment:
Chalazion vs Style;
A chalazion is a less complicated persistent disease within the edge of the eyelid (conjunctival side) influencing the Zeis or meibomian (oil-secreting) glans. Eye cysts, or hordeola, are difficult contaminated sores on the edge of the eyelid (eyelash follicles) that come on rapidly and in the end tear open and channel.
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